Friday, December 14, 2012

Star Student-Jacob

Jacob was our Star Student this week!

Here is what we learned about Jacob:
  • "Deer Hunting" is my favorite book.
  • I am good at shooting guns.
  • Deer hunting is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
  • Fishing is my favorite thing to do in the summer.
  • Math is my favorite subject in school.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would buy a lot of guns!
  • I want to be a world famous deer hunter when I grow up.
  • I want to learn more about math.
  • I wish that I could deer hunt every day!
  • My favorite thing to eat is t-bone steak.

I have created a "glog" for all of Jacob's pictures from this week.  Please follow the link below to view his pictures!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lane the Elf

On Monday we had an elf show up in our classroom!  Now this elf isn't just any ordinary elf, it is a magical elf sent from the North Pole to watch over us during the Christmas season!  Our elf brought a story with him that explains who he is, how he works, and why he is here.  After reading the story, the kids offered suggestions for names.  The name Lane was voted on by the majority of the class!  So far Lane has shown back up in our classroom each day.  The kids are having fun finding him when they come into the classroom each morning!  The link below shows some of the crazy places where Lane has been hanging out and watching over us each day!

Make sure you check back often to see his newest hiding places!

Star Student-Madison

Madison was our Star Student this week!

Here is what we learned about Madison:
  • "Junie B. Jones" is my favorite book.
  • I am good at cooking.
  • Playing in the snow is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
  • Swimming is my favorite thing to do in the summer.
  • Science is my favorite subject in school.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would buy clothes!
  • I want to be a model when I grow up.
  • I want to learn more about outerspace.
  • I wish that I was famous!
  • My favorite thing to eat is pasta.

***Apparently I have reached my maximum capacity for pictures on my blog (I guess that means I take too many!).  I have created a "glog" for all of Madison's pictures from this week.  Please follow the link below to view her pictures!


Friday, November 30, 2012

Star Student-Adelina

Adelina was our Star Student this week!

Here is what we learned about Adelina:
  • "Rainbow Magic" is my favorite book.
  • I am good at gymnastics.
  • Having snowball fights is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
  • Swimming is my favorite thing to do in the summer.
  • Reading is my favorite subject in school.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would donate money for charity!
  • I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
  • I want to learn more about cooking.
  • I wish that I could see a shooting star!
  • My favorite thing to eat is sushi.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful Thanksgiving Feast

Here are some pictures from our Thankful Thanksgiving Feast!

Thank you parents and families for joining us, celebrating the holiday with us, and for providing yummy food for us to feast on!  We are so glad that you were able to be a part of this day with us!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Star Student-Gwyn

Gwyn was our Star Student this week!

Here is what we learned about Gwyn:
  • "Little House on the Prairie" is my favorite book.
  • I am good at ballie ball.
  • Making snowmen and drinking hot chocolate is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
  • Going to the City Pool is my favorite thing to do in the summer.
  • Science is my favorite subject in school.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would live in a motel all by myself and have a limo when I want to go somewhere!
  • I want to be a cheerleader teacher when I grow up.
  • I want to learn more about Science.
  • I wish that I would never have to go to school!
  • My favorite thing to eat is cheeseburgers.

Here are some pictures of Gwyn and Bullet....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Writer of the Week

Last week Madison represented our class as the third grade writer of the week!  She read a poem that she wrote titled "Autumn" to the whole school.  She did such a great job and we are so proud of her!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall Harvest

The season of celebration is finally upon us!  We began this past week with our Fall Harvest Celebration!  It was our first class party, and I must say, it was a huge success!!!!  I love that we are still able to celebrate special events at our school!  Here are some pictures from our fun afternoon of celebrating all things related to fall!