Friday, May 3, 2013

Writer of the Week-Tolbert

Tolbert was our last Writer of the Week this year!  He shared a personal narrative that he wrote about his grandpa.  Tolbert lost his grandpa just a few weeks ago, so it was very touching to hear him share about the wonderful man that he was.  I'm so proud of his courage to read his personal narrative in front of the entire school!

Star Student-Jordan H.

Jordan was our Star Student this week!

Here is what we learned about Jordan:
  • "Puppy Place" is my favorite book.
  • I am good at dancing.
  • Going sledding is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
  • Swimming is my favorite thing to do in the summer.
  • Science is my favorite subject in school.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new house!
  • I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
  • I want to learn more about Math.
  • I wish that I lived in a mansion!
  • My favorite thing to eat is tacos.